Location: Palermo, Italy
Year: 2006
Work carried out: Work to restore and reopen Palzzo Galletti in Piazza Marina.
Location: Palermo, Italy
Year: 2006
Work carried out: Social housing building project.
Location: Siracusa, Italy
Year: 2006
Work carried out: Restoration and conservation of the building which houses the prefecture in Siracusa.
Location: Cefalù (Pa), Italy
Year: 2007
Intervention:: Project and execution of the intervention and the consequent works in “Caserma Botta”.
Location: Roccalumera (Me), Italy
Year: 2009
Intervention:Redevelopment and conversion of the old spinning mill in Roccalumera.
Location: Palermo, Italy
Year: 2009
Intervention:Restoration work in Palazzo Ramondetti – Fileti, condominium Bara All’Olivella.
Luogo: Assoro
Anno: 2010
Intervento: Lavori di recupero e qualificazione dell'ambiente urbano, storico e monumentale.
Location: San Leonardello, Giarre (CT), Italy
Year: 2014
Intervention: Recovery and conversion of old Manor farmhouse with adjoining winery and stables to be used for holiday accommodation.
Location: Cagliari, Italy
Year: 2014
Intervention: Upgrade of buildings to meet health and safety standards at the Caserma “Zuddas” in Cagliari.